National League Standings, August 3, 1971
March 10, 2002
I remember going to this game with my dad. It was pouring rain and they were determined to squeeze in a double-header. With Ryan pitching game 1 and the rain delays it was a long day. By the end few people were left. I am left with great memories of a 13 year old and his dad, trying to stay dry and rooting for Charlie Williams. Thanks for ending the day on an up note.
Kevin McLaughlin
May 13, 2006
I too, remember sitting thru the rain of this long twi-night doubleheader. Ryan lost the first game, and they threw out Charlie Williams against the Big Red Machine in the second. Well, Williams did OK, and the Mets exploded for 9 runs to split the night.
One particular memory I have was of another fan's comment during the game. Duffy Dyer was coming up to bat, and someone shouted "Come on Duffy, show Bench how it's done!" Dyer promptly got a hit. As a 10 year old, I got a big kick out of that.
Mike ransick
July 6, 2023
I attended this double header with my Dad and my two bros. Not my best memory of attending a Mets game. It was pouring rain and they were trying hard to get it in. We were soaked and crabby and had a long ride back to Syracuse. least we were being a family My Dad is long gone now and I wish I could sit thru a rainy double header with him today.
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The Mets suck! Smith made three errors in this game, and hit into a
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