National League Standings, May 1, 1972
william franz
February 22, 2007
My hero was Tom Terific my dad remained a Willie Mays, Giant fan for life. This one featured Tom striking out Bonds 4 times, a feat that was okay considering Bonds was a strikeout kind of guy, but he also struck out the center fielder, Maddox, 4 times. With his short stroke that was quite a feat. Seaver, knee dirty and hopping to the grass in front of the mound was awesome. On the knees on the black rising into the strike zone and curve tight modest break starting on the black and breaking 2 inches off on the right handers. Willie was no factor; Seaver dominated.
November 27, 2022
I was outside my house when a neighborhood friend, who was watching this game on TV, told me that Bud Harrelson had just hit a home run. I had trouble believing him because I was convinced that it was something Harrelson just didn't do. I tuned in later and heard Lindsey Nelson say that Bud had, indeed, homered. I was sorry I missed it. A home run by Harrelson was even more rare than a no-hitter or a triple play. He only came up with one every two to three years.
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The Mets suck! They need to trade Smith and get somebody like
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The Mets suck! Smith made three errors in this game, and hit into a
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and get somebody like Jones.
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