National League Standings, August 9, 1978
Rob Leder
July 14, 2003
I was 7 years old in the summer of '78, and my mom took me up to Canada for a vacation that August. The Mets happened to be in Montreal at the same time we were, so it was an opportunity to see our team on the road.
My memories of this game are very hazy. It was a night game, and we sat on the third base side, maybe midway up the stadium. I remember the Mets scoring a lot of runs and winning easily; for all these years I misremembered their run total as 11 instead of 10! The only incident I remember during the game is that someone from the Mets got caught in a run down (I think it was between first and second, but I'm not even sure of that), and the Expos had some sort of amusing animation that played on the outfield scoreboard for such an occasion.
I must have worn a Mets cap and/or shirt to the game, because walking back to the car a boy of about 10 came running up to me, gushing about how great the Mets are. I was confused by this, because he was wearing Expos paraphenalia, but his mother explained that the Mets were his second favorite team.
I'm sure I've been to well over 100 games at Shea in the years between, but that's still the only time I've seen the Mets play in another stadium.
Anyway, that's my complete recollection of Mets game 2721. A fondly-remembered little snippet from my childhood. Pretty vauge stuff, but hey - I was only 7 and this was a quarter of a century ago! I may be the only person who remembers anything about this game at all!
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