National League Standings, June 17, 2006
Shickhaus Franks
August 13, 2006
Me, my sister, her b-f, my nephew and our friend Kathy were at this Saturday Night game along with 52,000+ fans and now, I have seen all 5 AL East teams face the Mets at Shea. The highlight had to be the return of ex-Met Kris Benson. (He mainly got booed. Lets face it, it wasn't like when Seaver returned to Shea in 1977.) And he hits a home run to boot off of Pedro and, yes Anna was there but she had left her seat to go smoke a cigarette and didn't see her hubby's 1st MLB home run.
My mother died of lung cancer several years ago and as a person who detests smoking, Anna is NOT setting a fine example at all. When I read this in the Sunday New York Daily News, I almost blew a gasket. Anna should be forced to see those tv p.s.a.'s where the man is talking with his voice box. Now that would scare Anna into giving up that disgusting habit PDQ.
By the way, we were very wise to stay at Shea a little longer after the game because my nephew wanted to get a Mets cap and with parking spaces becoming a premium, the 7 train and the LIRR is the way to go.
Gharian Price
April 12, 2013
I attended this game with my sister back in 2006. Kris Benson homered off Pedro wtf lol. Rhis game made me sad; at the end of the game, Natalie Imbruglia's song "Torn" played on the PA system. How depressing. lol
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