National League Standings, June 20, 2006
john t greenpoint
June 21, 2006
I guess we got the power back! Nady in his second game back hits 2, and believe it or not Trachsel goes yard! Delgado hits one that looked like it would be around his ankles. Just awesome! Hopefully now we got rid of the homestand jitters or should I call it cockiness! No I don't believe that. Maybe a little complacent. If this team doesnt win the World Series this year against the Yankees it will be a shock because, let's face it Mets fans that's who we want!Just 2 more weekends and we are gonna sweep them this time!
NYB Buff
September 21, 2023
A productive night for the Mets with four home runs in a victory over the Reds. One of the homers was hit by winning pitcher Steve Trachsel while Xavier Nady socked out a pair and Carlos Delgado also had one. The win increased the Mets' N. L. East Division lead to nine-and-one-half games over the Phillies.
Just before Nady's second homer, Jose Valentin hit a leadoff triple in the bottom of the eighth inning. In trying to score for an inside-the-parker, Jose was out at home on a throw from Ken Griffey, Jr. The Cincinnati catcher who applied the tag on Jose at the plate was his own brother, Javier.
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